Monday, May 9, 2011

What is Being Done and Solutions to Global Warming

Fig 1:
Everyone needs to understand that global warming does exist! The problem with global warming is if it is occurring at such higher rates because of human activity- and the answer is yes. There is an abundant amount of evidence that shows that not only do natural cycles and phenomenon’s cause global warming but also the activity humans do. The question now becomes what to do about global warming and this is a complex and hard question to answer. Although there is no simple one answer to this question, many humans have started taking steps toward helping lower the issue of global warming. One way this is being done is by lowering the amount of greenhouse gases (such as carbon dioxide) into the atmosphere. Productions such as cars are now being made to run on energy instead of gas, plastic is being recycled instead of thrown in garbage land fields where it takes them hundreds of years to biodegradable. Along with some of these solutions that are already being put in place, research and ideas are beginning to appear such as the idea to start storing carbon dioxide underground- called "carbon sequestration". Though every country, city, and town can choose their own way to take action towards the issue of global warming, solutions are being made and people are starting to help. Though the implications that have already been caused by humans may take time before results can be seen, people are doing something about it! As long as we head down the road of becoming greener the issue of global warming can only decrease. (Refer to sources under links)
Fig 2:

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