Hi my name is Audrey Prewitt-Campbell and the last two years I have found global warming to be a very interesting topic. Some people do not believe that there is actually such a thing as global warming but as time goes by I believe because of certain variables there is global warming. Global Warming is caused by the sun and is what is causing the North Pole and South to become warmer then what has been in the past. Due to this increase in heat ice has been melting and is not affecting animals such as the polar beer. Also another thing global warming may and might be causing is the weather in College Station and other parts of TX to have snow. This could be due to Global Warming and the fact that because more water is on earth there is also more precipitation. In my bog I plan to research on Global Warming how it is affecting animals in colder areas like Alaska and if Global Warming is really having an affect on the weather in College Station and other places. I also plan to find other ways it is affecting our planet. Global Warming has become a topic that I have become highly interested in in the last few years. As we try to make our planet more environmentally friendly I also think we need to take in account the affects Global Warming is having on our planet and what it is capable of doing to it.
So interesting and very relevant to our A&M community! I'm curious about how much natural changes cause global warming as opposed to pollution and other human causes. I look forward to reading more!